Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Epic Boot camp games – Unique Bootcamp Workouts Ebook

Epic Boot camp games - Unique Bootcamp Workouts Ebook
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But that’s not the truth, or why else would you see them in the gym a week later or ‘claiming an offer’ for a rival camp on facebook?

Local boot camps, gym’s and a ton of other new & well established fitness providers…

There’s a chance that if you don’t take action & do something to stop your clients leaving, you’ll just fade away in to the background along with your crumbing client base..

I decided that I wasn’t going to take it lying down. I needed to take action to set myself apart from the compe ion.

I noticed three distinct things about the compe ion that stood out like a sore thumb……

Here’s YOUR chance to steal 25 Epic Bootcamp Games that will SUPER CHARGE your bootcamp  literally over night!

Here’s what bootcamp instructors the world over are saying about Unique Bootcamp Workouts     

One of the coolest things trainers can add for variety are games. No other group training format allows people to play fun (and often silly) games and get fit.

Thinking of new games is always hard, I’m lucky that I have a community of trainers to draw on. You probably don’t, so lucky Leon has put together this collection of detailed games and challenges to use.

from another planet.  They may as well be from another planet, because I’ve never seen anything like them.

This is not just a bunch of exercises thrown together to p the time – these ideas originate from one of the most p ionate and creative bootcamp trainers in the world.

Leon is raising the bar with regard to workouts and games in the fitness industry.  Thanks for sharing this incredible resource.

The book has given me loads of ideas which all my clients love and I only ever hear good things about my cl es. Word has spread like wild fire and I am now earning double what I was before buying the book.

The creative workout ideas encourage teamwork and camaraderie which increases engagement, challenges participants and boosts results.

When planning my sessions it has taken out all the hard work and endless hours where i would try and work out different sessions with variety for our clients.  I printed out all of Leon’s Unique Bootcamp Workout Books, and laminate workouts to take to sessions, and his easy layout of programmes make it a breeze to follow!! 

After almost throwing the towel in due to a lack of  ideas, I set aside time to create them myself.

My determination led me to create arguably the greatest manual ever put together regarding the creative content of a bootcamp workout.

Now internationally acclaimed with ground breaking reviews by some of the worlds TOP  fitness pro’s.  Unique Bootcamp Workouts is reaching out to trainers all over the world.

After creating Unique Bootcamp Workouts aka The Ultimate Workout Creation Tool in 2013, I decided to create a new addition to one of the existing manuals.. Read more…

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